Driver licence verification against state licence registry data is live now! Automated rego checks coming soon! Contact us for more

Frequently Asked Questions

Take the guesswork out of compliance

What does NHVR / HVNL / Heavy vehicle safety and compliance mean?

The Heavy Vehicle National Law has over 60 obligations that a driver must meet (if applicable) for example:

  • Not being fatigued 
  • Not breaching their work and rest option
  • Generating local area work / rest records or Work Diary Records
  • Carrying certain permits
  • Not driving an unsafe vehicle
  • Not driving a vehicle that doesn’t meet the Mass, Dimension or Loading requirements

For many of the driving offences responsible parties will have an obligation to ensure that the driver complies with their obligations. This is what is often referred to as compliance with the Heavy Vehicle National Law.

Parties in the chain of responsibility (CoR) also have an obligation to ensure the safety of their transport activities as they relate to the vehicle and not to cause or encourage breaches of the HVNL, once a person (business) is identified as a party in the CoR they must do whatever is reasonably practicable to ensure safety so far as they have (or should have) control and influence over the matter.

Transport operators need to have both a compliance management system for the day to day transactions that occur and also have a proactive safety management system to promote and improve safety in the business.     

Because not all breaches are "REAL"

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